CIPD Level 5
Diploma in People Management (DPM)
Content Overview
Block 1
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Understand the connections between organisational structure, strategy and the business operating environment.
- Understand organisational culture and theoretical perspectives on how people behave at work.
- Understand how people practice supports the achievement of business goals and objectives.
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Understand strategies for effective critical thinking and decision-making.
- Understand the importance of decision-making strategies to solve people practice issues.
- Be able to measure the impact and value of people practice to the organisation.
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Be able to demonstrate professional and ethical behaviours, in the context of people practice.
- Be able to champion inclusive and collaborative strategies for building positive working relationships.
- Be able to demonstrate personal commitment to learning, professional development and performance improvement.
Block 2
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Understand employee voice, engagement and practices to support better working lives.
- Understand different forms of conflict behaviour and dispute resolution.
- Understand how to manage performance, disciplinary and grievance matters lawfully.
- Understand the role of employee bodies in employment relations.
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Understand key contemporary labour market trends and their significance for workforce planning.
- Understand the purpose and importance of workforce planning.
- Understand the purpose and impact of effective talent management.
- Understand the importance of managing contractual arrangements and effective onboarding.
Block 3
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Understand the impact of reward approaches and packages.
- Be able to develop insight from benchmarking data to inform reward approaches.
- Understand the role of people professionals in supporting line managers to make reward decisions.
On completion of this unit, learners will:
- Understand the relevance of leadership and management and the knowledge, skills and behaviours required.
- Understand a range of different learning and development initiatives in developing leaders and managers.
- Understand the effectiveness of leadership and management development initiatives.